It’s possible to stay at Boskanter for a few days for everyone who is open to our story and, for example:

  • wants to enjoy the natural surroundings, the company and the possibilities, without having to commit to being a volunteer
  • is traveling from A to B and needs a roof for the night

While you can enjoy a bed and breakfast here, if you come expecting a B&B you might be disappointed. You’ll spend the night with the other volunteers on the sleeping attic or set up a tent in one of our fields. The accommodation is very simple: there are two compost toilets; washing is done outside under a cold shower or with a bucket of water heated by sun or stove.

There are mattresses, pillows, sheets and blankets. But if you’re stay is short and if you’re capable, it’s best to bring your own bedding or sleeping bag. Otherwise we’ll have a bunch of laundry after only a short use, which isn’t very ecological.



  • lunch / bread meal: free contribution of around €3 per person
  • warm, usually vegetarian dinner: free contribution of around €5 per person
  • spending the night: a free contribution of around €4 per person per night